Resident in Maps
Two years as the uninvited 'writer in residence' of Google Maps, funded by Arts Council England. (The website was live only until the completion of the project.)
A selection of the poems was published by 3:AM. The project was profiled in Frieze magazine, and an interview appeared in Dazed.
'GCHQ' [Also published by 3:AM magazine]
'Arcade projection'
'Les UX'
'On admitting what I am'
A bar at the corner of Church Street [1/3]
A bar at the corner of Church Street [2/3]
A bar at the corner of Church Street [3/3]
…an exploration of the social and poetic implications of Google Maps, the multi-billion dollar global organisation’s behemoth project to digitally render the surface of the world… something Jackson, who is now based in Berlin and has previously won the prestigious Eric Gregory award for poetry, is trying to challenge.
– Dazed Magazine, May 2014
[Jackson] has appointed himself the Street View ‘Writer in Residence’… he has a series of Street View screenshots with poems, inspired by the location, written in three-dimensional forms which are Photoshopped inside each image. As he writes in an introductory video for the project: ‘We know that writers == geographers, maps == canvases and we all live somewhere && everywhere.’
– Frieze magazine, January 2013